Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail

If there is one thing in this world I'm terrible at, it is organization. Growing up, my idea of "cleaning my room" was stuffing things in drawers, under my bed, in my closet, anywhere out of sight so that my room looked clean and I could play. I'm also a bit of a hoarder. I have SO much stuff that it's overwhelming. I don't need/use/enjoy 95% of it. And I have finally decided that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is time to clean out, it is time to get rid of, and it is time to organize my life. This, my friends, is going to be quite the journey.

Simultaneously, I'm taking a big step towards "fixing" my health. By today's standards, I'm quite a healthy person. But in reality, I'm not doing everything I KNOW I should be doing to give my body what it needs. You truly have to change what you believe before you're going to get results, and I've been so stuck in my ways that I haven't wanted to change what I believe. I like food a lot. I am a HUGE bread and sugar indulger. But my body doesn't want all the garbage in there, and I BELIEVE it is time to give my body what it deserves.

Help me along the way. Keep me accountable. Journey with me.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sore Throat Remedy

My sister Taylor and I bought our first house three years ago this summer. What are an eighteen year old and a nineteen year old doing buying a house, you may ask? Well. It seemed like a good idea, and I'd have to say so far it has been. We have a three bed, two and a half bath home on the east side of Colorado Springs. It's in a really great location, in an adorable neighborhood, and we fell in love the moment we walked through the door. We love doing home improvement projects, and in the last three years we've done quite a few. Some of the bigger ones being replacing the carpet, and laying hardwood floors. We have painted almost every wall at least once, added brick to the back wall of the kitchen, and spent countless hours working in our yard. We LOVE being homeowners.

 (thanks to my parents and good friend Chris we've got beautiful hardwood on most of our main floor)

My Dad (who happens to be the greatest man I've ever met) has been a continual blessing as we've hit snags (broken toilets, broken washer/dryer, strange bugs, ceilings bubbling up, etc.) and wanted projects done that exceeded our skill level. We definitely couldn't have survived the last three years without him. Or my Mom, for that matter, who has also been a huge blessing and has tons of knowledge including how to clean things I never thought about cleaning before. I'm so blessed.

ANYWAY. I tell you all of this simply to say that the one upgrade we've yet to do is installing A/C. So, throughout the warmer months of the year, we open our windows through the night in hopes of coaxing a cool breeze into our home. Sometimes this works great, sometimes we lay under our fans and sweat.

I've been sleeping with my fan on me and my windows open since late April. The result being that I wake up with a dry throat every morning(apparently I breathe through my mouth when I sleep..yikes). The last couple weeks it's been getting unbearably sore, and so I decided to ask my fave DC for some advice. "Gargle liquor." Two words I never thought I'd hear used in the same sentence. Yeah.... Well, I finally got up the courage to give it a shot, and it's just as unpleasant as it sounds. But it's been helping. It not only kills bacteria, after it stops burning it has an almost numbing effect for a while. I'm only on day two of this, but I'll keep you posted for how it goes. I'm also all stocked up on my vitamins (d, fish oil, b, zinc, probiotics) and will probably start taking garlic before bed.

thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


WHAT IS MSG? I hear the term "msg" all the time - and I've come to associate it with a negative feeling. Until today though, I never stopped to figure out what MSG really is, and I definitely suggest you do some research yourself! I learned quite a few things that I didn't know. 

When glutamic acid, which is found in most plant and animal proteins, is processed/manufactured/or altered, the amino acids are broken apart, and impurities are created. For more specifics, check out this article: What is MSG?

Essentially, when men mess around and try to alter what God created, they open the door to impurities. The impurities are not what our bodies need or want, and so they result in negative side effects such as headaches, nausea, and much more. To see a list of many of the body systems affected by MSG, check out this article. There are many different names that MSG is labeled as, so even if MSG isn't listed on the ingredients, it doesn't necessarily mean it isn't in whatever you're eating. You can almost guarantee that if what you're eating is processed, MSG is in there somewhere.

There is tons of research on MSG, and how it affects our bodies. Look for yourself and see what interesting and possibly even alarming facts you can find.

With MSG on such a rampage through the food industry, how can we avoid it? Eat simply; eat clean. Did God make it? Have men enhanced, modified, or altered it in any way? Ask yourself these simple questions before you put anything into your body, and you're on the right path.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Prep Day

Hey All,

Well today was pretty good - except I didn't get my meals planned out. I did wake up early enough to run to the grocery store before work this morning, and I got some carrots, apples, and pistachios. I also bought myself a cooler/lunch box so that I can take my healthy snacks to work with me. I also stopped at the store after work and picked up some steak. Yum.

I've decided to keep a food journal, and a workout journal to help me along the way.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Beginning

Alright online world - here we go! I've decided to commit to being healthier. And I mean TRULY healthier. I've also decided to document my journey, my transition into a different life style - which I'm sure will have it's ups and downs.

Where I am:

I am 21 years old
I work two jobs - State Farm Insurance, Kalos Photography
I own a house, a car, and two dogs (Kodiak and Stark)
I live with my sister, Taylor, and a roommate
I go to church at Trilakes Church of Christ

My current "health" routine: 

I get a chiropractic adjustment once a week
I sometimes take my vitamins
I try to drink a lot of water, but I don't keep track of how much
I try to get 8 hours of sleep most nights
I do a workout here and there - nothing routine
I stress a lot
I get headaches from sitting at a desk and working on a computer/my laptop all day
I gain weight easily and it ranges from 117-124lbs regularly
My skin is bad
I don't plan my meals, and I eat out a lot
I drink too much cherry coke
I adversely react to excessive amounts of gluten and dairy

My First Goal:

Make a schedule/plan
 I want to plan out my weekly meals, a daily workout routine, and I want to start keeping track of how much water I drink each day. I want to start with a dietary cleanse/detox. I want to start each day off with time in my bible/praying.

Bed time for now - tomorrow a whole new life starts!

Living Simply