my exercises

 January Workouts:

1) I'll be doing a 30 Day Challenge "Guns, Buns, & Abs"
2) I'll be running (on a treadmill) with a goal of reaching running for 60 minutes.
3) I'll be working to get my flexibility back - I'll be doing Pilates 4 days a week to emphasize this.
4) I'll also be doing some "surging" with the four minute video (posted below the Sept. update)

I am really hopeful that this will be a good month for working out. I've tailored each day's workout to my typical workweek/schedule; hopefully this will help me to get positive results - and I hope if you're planning/prepping you try to do the same thing. You can find the above listed challenges and workouts on my Pinterest board: Girl Look At That Body 

This month (September) I've been working on this Squat Challenge. I like when things are broken down so I know exactly what I need to do each day. I found this on Instagram actually (follow me! my_simple_beautiful_life), but the website listed at the bottom is I haven't spent too much time on this site yet, but just from a quick browse it looks pretty informational. Check it out for yourself, and think about doing a 30 Day Squat challenge yourself! I'm on day 13 (I started in August) and I can tell you that I've already seen some improvements!

I know it doesn't seem like much, but this 4 Minute Workout is pretty intense. It's a great starting point, and it will definitely get your blood pumping. I usually start with this and add either legs, core, or arms.

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