Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Being A Girl Is Tough

Okay, don't get me wrong, I love being a girl. I like getting dolled up, doing some shopping, drinking wine and watching chick flicks... but being a girl in today's world is hard work! We must have 3D white, straight teeth. Our skin must be acne-free, tanned, and luminous. Our hair has to be silky-smooth, and styled to perfection. Even "messy" has a specific look to it these days. We are judged for not wearing makeup, or for wearing too much makeup - although I often feel like the people judging the amount of makeup on a girl's face sometimes have no realistic standards. But, do any of us have realist standards anymore? Have you ever searched makeup tutorials on YouTube? Those things are 5-25 minutes long! (Some are even longer!!) And half of it is done in fast forward!!! That is so much time spent putting on makeup!! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Add to this style, fitness, creative outlets, cooking, cleaning, handwriting, and there is a lot that we are expected to be masters of simply because we are girls.

I'd like to pretend I'm a girly girl every now and then... (my Pinterest would lead you to believe that I am!) but I'm just going to come right out and say it: I suck at all things girly. So, this year, I've decided to try and add a little bit of perspective to the online world. I don't know about you, but, as a female/lady/woman/girl/person, I all to easily fall into the HORRIBLE habit of comparing myself to other females/ladies/women/girls/people. Especially since I've got two super-model sisters and a mother who is always confused for another sister. They are seriously beautiful, AND they are all really good at being girly! (sound like comparison, anyone? woops.)

This year [2015] I want to share with you ME. This year I am going to find my own style, and stop comparing myself to those around me. There is going to be a lot of trial and error, and I'm going to plaster it all on the internet so that, when I'm having a bad day, I can look back and laugh at myself. I'm inviting you to explore and laugh along with me. You may SHUDDER at the shortcuts I take in my "daily makeup routine," (or lack there of) or maybe it will inspire you to take some shortcuts too. ;)

here we go.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Little Miss:: Maddie

In the last week of May, I started "nannying" this precious little girl two days a week. I had been working five days a week at State Farm and doing photography during the evenings and weekends, but I was feeling the need to shake things up a bit. Anyone who knows me knows that sitting at a desk all day is beyond challenging for me. I'm a child at heart and I would much rather be out having adventures than being a responsible adult. But, as life continues to fly by, the fact that I can no longer spend my hours daydreaming and pretending has become impossible not to accept. I still long to fill my days with laughter and fun, however, so when the opportunity presented itself to change up my schedule and spend two days a week playing and laughing and exploring with a sweet little 13 month old, I couldn't resist. I checked and rechecked my budget, worked with my boss to rearrange my hours at State Farm to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and took on my nannying position Tuesday and Thursday. I also took on a SEO job that I can work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help supplement some income (and still fill up my photography schedule as much as possible!). And I have absolutely LOVED it. It has been the perfect mixture for me of working my "adult" job, and doing something I am passionate about. I've loved being home more (and actually working to keep my house cleaned and somewhat organized - yay!), and I have absolutely fallen in love with the precious Little Miss: Maddie. Here are a few, or maybe more than a few, pictures of our time together. Maddie has been a huge blessing - she is so much fun to take care of, and we love playing all day long. Maddie is always ALL smiles, and she loves to snuggle up and read some books.

I've loved every second I've sent with this girl so far, and I plan on enjoying every second that I have left to spend with her! She'll be back to spending her days with Grandma once school starts up again in August - and while I know that will be very special for her AND for Grandma, I will definitely miss our days together!

On a side note - IT'S THE MIDDLE OF JULY! How did the year fly by so quickly?! It has been quite a year so far for me, and I hope it's been a great year for you too, whoever you are!

Thanks for reading.

Kortney Alacyn

Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy 27th Anniversary, You Two

May is quite the month in my family. There are countless birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. It is easy for things to get rushed through, or even missed. I get to share my birthday with my parents, because I was born on their 5th anniversary. That makes this day even that much more special to me, and I wanted to take a couple of minutes and recognize my parents and their marriage of 27 years, today! It's a little weird that these people have been loving each other and making a life together longer than they were living without one another; longer than I've even been alive. (obviously, haha).

By watching these two love each other day in and day out, I've been privileged enough to observe what true love looks like. Yes, it is patient, and kind, not envious or boastful, nor proud; love is selfless, not easily angered, forgiving, it rejoices with truth and goodness; love always protects, always hopes, always perseveres - love never fails. We know this from 1 Corinthians, and we know this is how God loves us. But to see two people love each other this way is beyond what words can describe. This kind of love is rare, and beautiful, and precious. It is this kind of love that I will hold out for; I will never settle for anything less.

Beyond fulfilling what God has said and demonstrated to us that love ought to be, my parents have also taught me that love should also be:

1) Fashionable:

2) Fun:

3) Full of Kisses (even when your children cringe)

4) and Fulfilling. It should continue through the years to grow and strengthen so that you are more and more in love every single day, even the days when loving that someone is hard.

I love these two people so incredibly much. I love watching them love each other, and those around them. They care so deeply for one another, and they put each other first. They laugh, and explore, and sing, and dance, and cry, and pray for and with each other. They are best friends, but they are so much more. They understand one another in a way that no one else ever will. They acknowledge and embrace their imperfections, and they strive to be better versions of themselves as individuals as well as together, as one. They have set the bar high, and I pray that one day I will find the man who I will love this way for the rest of my life.

Daddy and Mommy,

Thank you for the examples that you are. Thank you for being my parents, my friends, my inspiration, and so much more. I love you!! Happy Anniversary - here's to many more!!

Loving you Always,

Kortney Alacyn