Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Okay, I lied...

Sorry about that. This time actually does NOT include a vlog... because I discovered another "girly" thing I'm bad at - filming myself getting ready - HA! But that's okay... I'll figure it out eventually and THEN I will show you my "somewhat daily" makeup routine.

In the mean time... let's talk about something else. Nails, perhaps. I am truly terrible about taking care of my nails. They are almost always differing lengths, some broken or peeling, and often with leftover nail polish because I rarely take the time to remove the polish once it starts chipping. And speaking of nail polish.... that is an art form I have not quite mastered yet.

I love it when nails look pretty and polished and perfect! I see them on Pinterest all the time, I even have a board filled with what I think are pretty nail ideas for myself, should I ever figure out how to take care of and paint nicely my poor nails. You can look through the pretty ideas here, if you'd like ;)

My Grandma (I call her Brondbob - Or Brond/Brondy for short - for reasons that aren't really known even to me) has beautiful nails, and she takes very good care of them. SHE is a polish master, and she passed that trait along to most of the ladies in my family. My middlest sister finds my inability to paint my nails quite comical. She has tried numerous times to instruct me on the proper technique, but for whatever reason, I still can't seem to get it down. Here is a time lapse video of what I look like TRYING to paint my nails. Notice the starting condition... Sorry for the sudden end, I think my dog was getting into something that he shouldn't have been. Anyway, here is that, have a good laugh (and try to imagine the finished product - streaks galore, and all over my fingers. as per usual) and I'll keep practicing. ;)

Do you have a favorite polish/color/technique? Feel free to share in the comments section!!

And thank you for your patience, I'll get my camera working soon and get that video up!!

stay gorgeous

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